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National Talent Search Examination (NTSE) 2010
Stage 1 Model Question Paper
National Talent Search State Level Examination 2007

Class 8 Part 2

Scholastic Aptitude Test

36. Which of the following materials has the maximum density ?
(1) iron
(2) lead
(3) gold
(4) platinum

37. The length of the seconds needle of a watch is 1 cm. The displacement of its tip in 15 seconds is :
(1)1 cm
(2)2 cm
(3)root2 cm
(4)2 root2 cm

38. A glass rod is rubbed with silk. During this process, the mass of the glass rod :
(1) decreases bv a very small amount
(2) increases by a very small amount
(3) does not change
(4) increases appreciably 

39. The characteristic of sound which helps us to distinguish the sounds roduced by two musical instruments is :

40. Speed of lifiht in vacuum is 3xl08 m/s. A laser signal sent from the earth towards the moon returns to the earth after 2.57 seconds. The distance of the moon from the earth is :

(1)3.86 X 10 raise to 6 m
(2)3.86 X 10 raise to 8
(3)7.72 X 10 raise to 8 m
(4)7.72 X 10 raise to 6 m

41. The specific heat capacity of copper is 3 times that of lead. If the thermal capacity of 10 kg of lead is equal to the thermal capacity of m kg of copper, then m is equal to :

1)10/3 kg
(2)3/10 kg
(3)30 kg
(4) 1/30 kg

42. The focal length of a concave lens is 50 cm. The power of the lens is :

(1)+2 D
(2)-2 D
(3)+ 50 D
(4)- 50 0

43. Two identical charged metal spheres are kept on two insulating stands. One sphere contains +2 coulomb of charge and the other —4 coulomb of charge. They are brought in to contact and again separated and kept on the insulating stands. Each sphere now contains a charge equal to :

(1) +2 coulomb
(2)—4 coulomb
(3) —2 coulomb
(4)—1 coulomb

44. The working principle involved in an optical fibre is:
(1) total internal reflection
(2) refraction
(3) reflection
(4) dispersion

45. Within a chemical cell, electric charge is transferred bv the motion of :

(1) free electrons
(2) positive ions
(3) negative ions
(4) both positive and negative ions

46. The length and area of cross-section of a conductor are doubled. The resistance of the conductor is :
(1) doubled
(2) halved
(3) unchanged
(4) made one-fourth

47. Sonar is a :
(1) bright star
(2) comet
(3) space-ship
(4) instrument to measure the depth of sea using ultrasonic waves

48. Colourless gas with a pungent smell which turns lime water milky is :
CO 2
so 2
(4)NO 2

49. Metal used for galvanizing iron is :

50.The gas which will not produce 'Green House Effect':


51. An atom has 8p, 8e and 9n. It can be represented as :

52. Vinegar is a dilute solution of an acid. The acid is :
(1) Acetic acid
(2) Sulphuric acid
(3) Citric acid
(4) Tartaric acid

53. Substance which causes temporary hardness to water :
(1) NaHC03
(2) Na2CO3
(3) CaCO3
(4) Mg (HCO3)2

54. 'Dry ice' is :
(1) solid CO2
(2) s?olid H2O
(3) solid SO2
(4) solid H2O2

55, The gas' which directly combines with F2 ls :

56. Which of the following is an acidic salt ?
(1) Na2CO3
(2) NaHS04
(3) NaN03
(4) Na2HP03

57. The atom with 3 electrons in the outer most shell is:
1) N
(2) Al

58. Which of the following is a Metalloid ?
(1) Pb

59. Hardest element is

60. What is absent in lymph ?
(1)Red blood cells
(2)White blood cells
(3) Fat
(4) Water

61. The tolerable limit of loudness to humans
(1) 20 decibels
(2) 50 decibels
(3) 80 decibels
(4) 150 decibels

62. The major gas responsible for ozone depletion is :
(1) methane
(2) carbon monoxide
(3) chloro flurocarbon
(4) sulphur dioxide

63. Which of the following blood vessels carry the least oxygenated blood ?
(1)Pulmonary artery
(2) Renal artery
(3)Coronary artery

64. In a living cell the number of mitochondria is found to be very high. It indicates that the cell is actively :
(2) producing energy
(3) synthesizing protein
(4)secreting hormones
65. The amino ac id content of the blood may get reduced as the blood flows through :
(1) kidneys
(2) lungs
(3) spleen

66. A medicine taken from Cinchona tree is used to treat a fatal disease. Which is the disease ?
(1) Tuberculosis
(2) Malaria
(3) AIDS
(4) Cancer

67. Mosquitoes produce a buzzing sound while they fly.This is caused by the movement of their:
(1) wings
(2) legs
(3) mouth
68. The two kidneys of a person became totally functionless due to somepoisoning. What should be done immediately to save his life ?
(1) Kidney transplantation
(2) Blood transfusion
(4) Angioplasty

69. Four potted plants were exposed to four different coloured light. In which colour will the rate of photosynthesis be the lowest ?
(1) Blue
(2) Red
(3) Yellow
(4) Green

70. Some oil was spilled over the water in a pond. Which of the following organisms will be quickly killed by it ?
(1) fish
(2) tadpole
(3) wriggler
(4) water snake
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