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Online Educational Resource Collection for school going children - IT (Information Technology)
1. Fundamental Concepts
a. Introduction
b. EDP
c. Data
d. Information
e. Processing
f. Memory
g. Characteristics of a computer
h. Type of Computers
i. Application of Computers
2. Windows
a. Windows Explorer
b. Managing File and Folder
c. Making your own Folder on the Desktop
d. Sharing Resources
e. Sharing Data
3. Internet
a. Accessing Internet Sites
b. Popular Search Engines
c. Finding a website
d. Sending & Receiving the E-mails
e. Outlook Express
f. Netiquettes
g. Surfing Net
h. Visiting Websites
i. Using Links
4. Social and Ethical Issues
a. Take care of Computer
b. Virus
c. Types of Virus
d. Virus Protection
e. Anti-Virus Software
f. Dr. Solomons Solution
g. Norton Anti-Virus
h. ThunderByte Anti-Virus Utilities
5. Microsoft Word
6. MS Excel
7. MS Power Point
8. Basic Programming

a. Computer Languages
b. Thinking like a programmer
c. BASIC Language and its commands
9. Web Designing
a. Hypertext
i. The hypertext is that information which can be seen using any Internet browser. This information can be written in special codes. A hypertext can be created in NotePad or WordPad accessory in Windows but it must be saved with .HTM extension. The HTM refers to hypertext markup and this coding language is known as Hypertext Markup Language (HTML). Read More
b. Designing Web pages using HTML
c. Organization of Elements
d. Naming Convention
e. Simple Example
f. Adding Multimedia Tools
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